If you have young children, you know that they always ask to play with your smartphone tirelessly.
And while you may be concerned about restricting screen time, sometimes you just need to keep them occupied while you focus on answering a work email, or ending that conversation with a close friend. In those times, it's great that Samsung built a complete sandbox experience for kids into their Galaxy phones called Kids Home. In fact, handing over your precious smartphone to your child can be overwhelming. What will they enter and what will they mess with? But fortunately, once you own a Samsung Galaxy device, you can avoid this by giving them their own space in Kids Mode.

Samsung describes Kids Mode as a "digital playground" and that's very accurate. It is a special environment for children only. Basically, it's a separate user profile that's kid-friendly. Kids mode also has a bright and fun theme that is simplified for kids. Your child can create characters and access apps and games designed just for them. Of course, it is not just a free service for everyone but more than that. Where parents can set up controls, app usage limits, and screen time limits. Simply Kids Mode is like a phone designed specifically for kids, that can be used at any time. We'll show you where to find it, how to use it, and how to tweak the settings to what you see as appropriate for your young children.
How to activate Kids Mode
Kids mode can be accessed through the quick settings buttons, so let's get started. Swipe down from the top of the screen to see Quick Settings > then swipe right until you see Kids Mode and if you don't find the option swipe towards the empty space and tap the (+) button. Find the "Kids" button at the top and drag it down to the quick settings. Press Done when the button is in place.
Now you can actually click on the “Kids” button from the Quick Settings to get started > then tap on “Start” on the first screen to download all the necessary components of the Kids Mode, you will see an engaging introduction screen for kids > click on “Next” to continue with “Add Samsung Kids” enabled to the Apps screen"> You are now in the Kids Mode environment. It works like a typical Android home screen. You'll see a bunch of apps on the screen, but they haven't been downloaded yet. You or your child can click on the apps or games they want.
Kids Mode will provide a unique set of entertaining, useful and safe applications for your kids; Among them are a mobile app, a camera with great effects for your child, a special internet browser, movies suitable for young ages, as well as some inspiring games, which develop your child's awareness in a special way through music, drawing and play. To use all these apps, you have to install each one of them, the Galaxy Store menu will appear to confirm “Install” when you tap each icon in the Kids Mode interface.
Then after installing all the apps, you can review what your little one has done on your phone and to access Parental Controls > click on the three-dot menu icon at the top and select the “Parental Controls” option. Here you will need to use your fingerprint or other secure method to access the controls > Once you are in, you will see the limits you can implement, information about usage and the content your child has created. When you're ready to leave Kids Mode, tap the three-dot menu icon and select Close Samsung Kids. Thus, you will need to use your fingerprint or some other secure method to leave.
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