What cryptocurrencies will rise in value in 2022

 in the report presents some of the cryptocurrencies that are likely to rise strongly during 2022

This is based on the movement of the trading indicators of these currencies during the year 2021, and the price jumps they achieved.

  In addition to the extent of the ability of these currencies to face the expected obstacles during 2022.

What cryptocurrencies will rise in value in 2022

Ethereum ETH

 The cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH) has been able to reduce the gap between it and (the most famous digital currency in the world) Bitcoin,

 where the market value of Ethereum is $466.3 billion, and it ranks as the second most valuable cryptocurrency in the global cryptocurrency market.

Ethereum price has more than 5 times this year, from about $730 per coin to nearly $4,000.

With the strong rise of the Ethereum currency,

 Bitcoin investment funds around the world began to head to Ethereum under strong pressure from individual investors during the recent period.

The Ethereum ETH currency recorded its lowest low during 2021 on July 20, 2021, when it recorded 1787 dollars, while its highest price came on November 8, 2021,

 with a value of 4812 dollars, and according to financial market experts, the Ethereum currency trading movement on Over the course of a whole year, 

it is normal for the mechanisms of supply and demand in the market, as it enjoys points of support that it witnessed at the beginning of the year 

and then points of resistance during the fourth quarter of the year, specifically during the month of November.

Today, with the decline of the Ethereum currency to the level of $ 3,921, Ethereum took all the alternative currencies with it,

 as the decline dominated everyone, and this is evidence of the effectiveness of the second most powerful cryptocurrency in the crypto market.

Despite its risks, major institutions aim to invest in digital currencies

Experts attributed the sudden drop in the cryptocurrency market to increased inflows to the Binance crypto exchange, where the data book showed a new wall of resistance at $50K.

This behavior is indicative of a large investor with a market bias, and Binance has been sensing suspicious behavior in the past days.

“Looks like a new player is on the move,” the data-analytics account Material Scientist commented on Binance's fast-changing order book.

Binance coin BNB

Binance Coin comes in third place in the cryptocurrency market, with a market value of $91.668 billion, and it is sold today at $549.19, compared to $37.91 at the beginning of 2021.

Binance Coin is alone in escaping the decline that included all the top 10 during trading today, Tuesday, as it is trading at $548.99, up 0.9%.

Experts believe that the Binance Coin currency drew attention to it carefully during the current year 2021, and it has its own trading exchanges and is currently targeted by investment funds for individuals, while institutional funds are still watching the situation from afar.

Binance Coin recorded its highest peak on May 3, 2021, at $675.68, and its lowest was at $264.78 on July 20, 2021, and the great collapse in Binance Coin prices during that period came due to the tightening of the Chinese and Indian governments on mining The circulation of cryptocurrencies, followed by the passage of the US Infrastructure Act, was the fatal blow.

Experts predict that Ethereum and Binance (the third most valuable cryptocurrency in the world), could continue to gain market share against Bitcoin.

Which makes many in anticipation of what the future of these currencies will be with more dispersal in the crypto world, and different values ​​of cryptocurrency trading.

Polkadot DOT

One of the most strongly candidates for purchase during the next 2022 is the Polkadot DOT coin, which started in 2021 at $ 8.30, against a price of $ 29.32 today and a market value of $ 28.923 billion.

And occupies the first place in the rise within the top ten, despite its current decline, the currency of Polkadot, which is trading at 29.2 and declining 7.07%, but it still maintains a weekly increase of approximately 18%.

Many experts suggest that more fund managers will look closely at cryptocurrencies as a natural extension of the so-called alternative investment world, a group of assets beyond stocks and bonds that typically includes gold and other precious metals.

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